Breaking Dawn – Stephanie Meyer
Plot : Easy to follow
Entertainment: Good
This is the fourth and final book of this series. The book is divided into 3 parts. The 1st and the 3rd section is written from the perspective of Bella Swan while the 2nd part is written from the perspective of Jacob Black.
The 1st part of the story started with Bella marrying Edward and their honeymoon on a private island (isle esme). Then, later, Bella found herself pregnant and her condition is progressing in an unnatural super fast rate. This makes Edward worried and after discussing with Carlisle, Edward suggest abortion but Bella declined and seek the support from Rosalie.
The 2nd part of the story is from the perspective of Jacob. This part documented Bella’s pregnancy till her delivery. Jacob left his pack and forming a new one with seth and lean Clearwater after Jacob’s wolf pack suggest to kill Bella’s baby and Bella. Soon, Bella gave birth to the baby but in the delivery process, the baby breaks many of bella’s bones and causes her to loss a massive amount of blood. In order to save her life, Edward was forced to inject his venom into her heart and turning her into a vampire. The baby (Renesmee) is save since Jacob has an ‘imprint’ on her after her birth.
The 3rd part of the story is regarding the new life of bella becoming a new vampire. Not long after the creation, Volturi decided to destroy Renessme as Irina reported her being an ‘ immortal child’. In order to save renesmee, the Cullen gathered allies and witnesses. After the meeting with the Cullen , the volturi found out that Renesmee is not an “immortal child’ but they are still afraid that she will pose a threat to the vampire society, and thus , undecided to attack the Cullen or not. At that time, Alice and Jasper return with Nahuel, a 150 years old vampire- human crossbread like renesmee. Nahuel shows the volturi that he pose no threat to the vampire society and the volturi retreated.
Review and comment:
I like this book the most out of the 4 books although it receives the most negative critics. The plot about the pregnancy took me by surprise but I think I enjoyed reading it although it is a bit scary and I was so afraid that bella couldn’t survive. I enjoyed the last part of the book the most. It is a pleasure reading the different unique talents that the vampire posses, the determination to protect their love one ( The love in between the Cullen family and towards renesmee) , and the almost break out war between the Cullen and the Volturi is really well written.