New Moon - Stephenie Meyer
Plot : Easy to Follow
Entertaining Value : Good
This is the 2nd book of the twilight series. To celebrate Bella’s 18th birthday, Edward took Bella to his house for a celebration party. However, an accident occurred and Bella was covered in blood and this nearly trigger the feeding frenzy of Jasper. This make Edward starts to distant from Bella in order to protect her.
Bella’s whole world fall apart when Edward told her that he wants to break up with her andthat his family and he decided to leave forks and never return. Bella grown to be lonelier and more isolated from her friends. She starts to do something dangerous as when she did all these dangerous activity, she starts hallucinating that Edward would be by her side telling her to back off and to be more careful. Bella become closer with Jacob and Jacob become her best friend and fill up some emptiness that Edward left behind. Later, Bella found out that Jacob is actuary a werewolf in response to the presence of the vampire in order to protect his tribe. Jacob and his pack of warewolf friend protected Bella from Laurent and Victoria, who seeks revenge for James, whom the cullens killed in Twilight.
One day, Alice return to Fork and asked Bella to save Edward from his self destruction in Italy by asking the Volturi to kill him. Bella flew with her to Italy and save Edward just in time. Before leaving Italy, The Volturi told Edward that Bella who knows the existence of the vampires, must be either killed or transformed into vampires.
Review and Comments
New moon is good enough to stand alone but I think if you read twilight first, you will get a better understanding of what is happening. This book is still using Bella ‘s perspective in the story- telling. The pain that Bella fell when Edward leave her is well written. The book is not as fast paced as Twilight and the middle part is a little slow and draggy.
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